
Toast & the Teaspoon Factory takes photos!

I took these photos of my brother Kasey a while back & didn't get around to editing them until tonight. Thought I'd have a bit of fun with them haha.

I call this one "They came for the toilet paper..." haha.

My brother is an amazing drummer. Thought putting music notes floating by him only made sense =]

You can check out his drumming videos on YouTube here.

I'd love to get back into doing more photography again. It's been nice being on the other side of the camera. I really enjoy taking photos & designing clothes much more than modeling, especially when I get to take photos of my brother! 

Kasey is too much fun. I'll miss him more than anything when I move back to California. This is my very best friend ladies & gentlemen!

xo. Ariel Shay

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1 comment:

  1. Haha i like the monster on his shoulder (on the right)!
    I'll check out his music on youtube this evening! ;)
